It signals trough visual an acoustic alamrs, the presence and position of pedestrian and/or other means that are operating around the machinerie, reducing the risk of collision in all cases of poor visibility and in the event of inattention.
EGOpro solution create a bubble around any type of vehicle to detect machine to pedestrian but also machine to machine proximity. The system detects, in a reliable and selective way, when a worker or machine is in a hazardous zone around the vehicle.
By means of visual and sound alarms, the monitor warns the driver, in real time, about the presence and position of worker wearing an active EGOpro sensor tags. The color touchscreen display shows the position of the worker in relation to the machine.
Replacable battery. Lasts for up to 3 years.
There are numerous tag accessories that are easy to assemble in order to better position or integrate the TAG on PPE.
The option to automatically log the driver in with the Filter Sens placed in the driver’s cabin.