each load with precision

BRT5 monitor with one hand holding a cell phone open on the TrackMobile mobile app. Tag in demo at Expocam.

BRT5 Scale






The new generation BRT5 Series 3 scale is the result of significant research aimed at always optimizing truck loads more efficiently.

Combined with the TrackWeight TRACKMOBILE* mobile app, the new BRT5 Series 3 scale remotely displays all load information from the truck to the loader operator’s or third party’s cellphone.

The BRT5 Series 3 features major innovations:


* Some features are optional such as Bluetooth communication and mobile application. Contact your TrackWeight dealer for details.

The BRT5 S3 multifunction display with automatic brightness control and sleek black and brushed silver design keyboard blend perfectly with interior dashboards.


TrackWeight’s latest S3 generation data acquisition box takes thousands of weight readings per second on truck suspensions and analyzes them with maximum precision for display on the BRT5 dashboard monitor.

The TrackWeight BRT5 Series 3 puts less weight on your shoulders – guaranteed!

Various sensor types

No matter what type of suspension your truck has (pneumatic, springs, mechanical or inverted blades), TrackWeight provides a complete series of high-performance sensors for your vehicle and/or trailer.

You will quickly see the total load and/orweight by axle groups displayed in real time on your dashboard mounted BRT5 monitor.

1- In the cab

2- Suspension sensors


Give your customers a receipt

Very easy to install in the driver’s cab, the TrackWeight printer allows you to provide detailed, standard or abbreviated tickets on the quantities loaded or unloaded. More than highly useful for quick printing of tickets after delivery to customers, the TrackWeight printer also acts as an in-house tracker of transports made throughout the day.


Keep an eye on your load remotely

With TrackMobile, you never lose sight of the weight

Combined with the TrackWeight onboard scale installed in the cab, TrackMobile is your most reliable loading assistant and amounts to carrying the truck’s weighing scale with you.

Use of the application

BRT5 monitor with an ahnd holding a smartphone with TrackMobile app to follow the loads.

The TrackMobile remote display application exists in Apple and Android versions, downloadable from Apple Store or Google Play. The new BRT5 Series 3 can be equipped with an optional new generation, long-range Bluetooth module. It allows you to convert and send all data processed by the BRT5 S3 installed in the truck.

Whether for a loader operator or supervisor, the Bluetooth connection allows cell phone users to go from one truck to another monitoring serial loads.

TRACKBOX dump body position technology

BRT5 Series 3 exclusive!

The TrackBox dump body position is exclusive to TrackWeight. Integrated with the BRT5 Series 3 only, it was developed in response to new legislation and is available on straight body vocational trucks.

Integration with the BRT5 puts easy system adjustment at your fingertips and provides free updates in accordance with regulation changes. No other system offers this kind of flexibility.

Dump body position detection

A special proximity sensor installed on the truck detects the raised position of the dump body and warns the driver with audible signals and visuals on the BRT5 Series 3 display.

An advanced functionality of the software loaded in the S3 black box can cut the buzzer when the vehicle is moving at a certain speed for a pre-set period while dumping.